Latest Puzzles

Puzzle #19: Squirt! (Cryptic Themeless #4)

In many ways it feels strange to start a blog post about Palestine, but then it also feels weird to not only be talking about Palestine all the time. So I’m sharing to lead off: We are a team of all-star crossword constructors and editors that reside throughout North America – the faces, new and old…

Puzzle #18: Cryptic Themeless #3

Hello folks, it’s been a minute. Last I posted here the Goblins were taking over and I was thinking about what kind of post I should write to celebrate 1 year of making puzzles for this blog. It has been an exhausting few months at the Solves household, but we arrive at the present healthy…

Puzzle #17: Goblin Goblin Goblin Goblin Goblin

Let’s talk about goblins. The creatures have been thrust into the spotlight for an entirely new demographic with the recent widespread adoption of Goblin Mode, but for D&D or Magic: the Gathering participants, we have delighted at goblins for a while. Goblins reach maturity within a couple years, and I’ve always thought of them as…

Puzzle #16: Monstrosity

It is 6 hours before my flight as I type, so short blog this time. This acrostic is gigantic, with 32 clues on around 300 total letters. This went through more iterations than most, but I’m glad I can share it finally. Thanks to redkeg for the test solve. Thanks again to Boisvert for the…


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I’m a lifelong puzzle enthusiast and I hope I can share with you some of the joy they’ve brought me. Last puzzles created by me are here. Drop me a line at joshsolves @ gmail, or reach out on twitter @joshsolves if you solve something I made and want to make my day. Thanks for stopping by!

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